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May hygge.jpg
May hygge.jpg



(HUE-GAH) - Danish

One of the most gorgeous words in the world. Hygge is about being - not having.

Simply defined as the art of building sanctuary and community, of creating intimacy and paying attention to what makes us feel open hearted and alive. *

It is simplicity. A cozy atmoshphere, meals shared with friends, a hot cocoa and a book you cant put down or a bath by candle light.

Like walking through a field of flowers....

Notes: Geranium Rosewood Amber

Base: Musk Cedar

290g / 10.2oz

Burn time: 50hrs approx

Candle Care:  To extend the life of your candle and prevent smoking, trim wicks to 6mm before each burn. Always use candle between 1-3hrs at a time to ensure even burn. Discontinue use when approx 12mm wax remains. Never leave a burning candle unattended.


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