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Geranium, Sage & Mint

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Geranium, Sage & Mint


A fragrance that balances its uber fresh notes of tart citrus and herbs with soft uplifting notes of vanilla and musk. The fresh subtle scent is the perfect companion to the daylight hours. Burn it and relax as it freshens and revives your environment.

Top: Lemon zest, Berries and Mandarin

Middle: Violet, Jasmine, Spanish Sage & Mint

Bottom: Vanilla and Musk

290g / 10.2oz

Burn time: 50hrs approx

Candle Care:  To extend the life of your candle and prevent smoking, trim wicks to 6mm before each burn. Always use candle between 1-3hrs at a time to ensure even burn. Discontinue use when approx 12mm wax remains. Never leave a burning candle unattended.

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